A drunk man running around in a kiddie pool in a speedo at a party.
The bollocks scared away half the girls at the party.
by Buck Rick Alter November 8, 2009
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gonad, ball, testicle. pl. Bollocks
He's dropped a bollock. He's made a mistake. (i.e. he's made a schoolboy error)
You're gonna get a bollocking now.
You're in for a right telling off (i.e. kick in the balls)
by Steven Norgate January 31, 2003
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Why are you reading the Urban Dictionary? Everyone knows it's full of bollocks.
by Adrian Petyt December 17, 2003
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1.An exclaimation.
3.Used to describe something that wasn't good.
1.'Argh! Bollocks! I'm stuck!'
2.'She whacked him in the bollocks!'
3.'Paris Hilton's acting is complete bollocks!'
by Roxy411 July 28, 2005
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a term i use when i run out of weed
by tugger October 10, 2003
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A British slang word for the wordteeth’.
‘You should brush your bollocks twice a day
by Evilguy? February 25, 2021
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