mind-bogdanning (mind-BOG · dan · ing). 1. Adj. To be in a state of complete incomprehension and bewilderment, usually in response to liberal hypocrisy or something BJ (left fielder for Infidels Softball) has said or done. 2. A state of awe when BJ informs you of his financial position. Only effective on weak-minded and horny females that can’t remember the last time they had any cock, so they’ll settle for anything.
“Ted Kennedy’s position to raise minimum wages to $10 an hour is completely mind-bogdanning.”

“It is mind-bogdanning that BJ missed the cutoff man again on the relay to third base.”

“It wasn’t the alcohol, she was mind-bogdanned when he said how much his 401k is worth.”

Verb. “BJ totally mind-bogdanned her as he casually mentioned his GS-15 status within the federal government.”
by 84 Cavalier August 28, 2008
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In the PC game, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, when one player has low health, a high health player, usually with an AWP(sniper rifle), switch weapons with each other, to give the low health player a 1-shot, 1-kill opportunity. Usually carried out when the team with the hurt player has a 1 or more man advantage, allowing the higher-health player to take battles.

Can be referred to as Bogdan, Bogdan's Law, Bogdan's.
Mike: "I'm 1hp, Bogdan me"
John: *Drops AWP, picks up AK-47*


Mike: "I'm hurt. Bogdan's Law?"
John: "sure." *Drops AWP, picks up Mike's weapon*
by MajorSer April 2, 2017
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In FPS games (specifically Counter Strike), a common saying and practice to give a player with low hp the AWP (Sniper Rifle) in order so that they can attempt to get a one shot kill without having to take a rifle battle which almost always would be dubious with such low hp. Named after a former semi-pro csgo player Bogdan.

Bogdan's Law can be easily nuanced in different situations and doesn't always apply to every low health situation. (Such as the low hp player taking the awp and swinging Catwalk on Dust II.)
Player1: I have 1 hp and can hold palace, give me the AWP.
Player2: Ok
Player 3: Bogdan's Law
by chaggyGUPTA September 3, 2021
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when someone with no remorse forcefully rams thy head up an unsuspecting victims gaping asshole
hey Paul, did you and Natarsha get that bogdan surprise last Tuesday as promised
by black cunter October 1, 2021
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A short kid from romania. Insecure, annoying but sometimes funny. Got no bitches and will never get. He could be single forever
Definition: It is a very good way to say ignored
He is just like a bogdan bonto
by Girlwithbadopinions March 4, 2023
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when someone has the urge to grab another's man tits and squeeze.
paul was not happy so he got a bogdan special to cheer him up
by ted bunda November 4, 2021
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