sturdy carnivorous burrowing mammal with strong claws widely distributed in the northern hemisphere

ie found quite often in the UK. the UK! they're viscious bastards when you piss them off. oh and some girls make badger noises during rough sex. haha.

see also bananaphone
i hit a badger at 70 down a country last night. now it's worm food
by Dijital May 22, 2004
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A homosexual man who frequents parkland or commons seeking gay sex with other like-minded individuals. From the expression 'looking for badgers' or 'badger watching' used by such individuals when questioned by the law.
Officer: 'Allo, 'allo, 'allo, what's all this then?

Respose: I'm just badger watching.
by jw2034 April 17, 2008
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being a furry bear like creature that lives in a hole in the ground (or sett), that's what makes this the perfect counterpart to Beaver (who lives in a pile of sticks on a river or lake: a Dam)!

it doesn't make much sense, but it'll keep large audiences amused for minutes.
Badger Badger Badger!
Beaver Beaver Beaver!
by Flota August 24, 2005
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To cum in a line down the back (or from forehead to nose) of a black/asian girl to make them look like a Badger.
'I was getting bored of our sex life and decided to give her The Badger last night'.
by Paulo Le Donk August 8, 2006
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That was well badger or luk at thoses 2 badgers going down the road
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(n) A declaration of wind from the anus.
Queen - Badger

Charles - Core blimey Mummsie. I'm grateful for the advance notice but please lay off the brussel sprouts.
by chocolatelamington January 12, 2007
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Someone who sleeps/ has sex with someone else to steal their things/ property!
I completely badgered this bint up the wrong hole last night! She didn't even notice..what a pussyole!
by badger-mushroom- snake September 1, 2009
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