The way to satisfy anally your chic in the back of a public bus.
The way to belong to the Hungarian society!
Your parents could do it, why wouldn't you do it as well?
" My dad gave Krisztina a Budapest backstreet yesterday on bus no.7"
by yourbesthajtáspajtás May 8, 2019
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A promiscuous female who often engages in sexual activities and refuses to care about others opinion of herself
Friend 1 : yo cuh did that chick Sabrina give you head the other day

Friend 2 : yea yo , she’s such a backstreet whore
by Sebas306 December 3, 2019
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1. a member of a generic corporate shitass pop group that hit it big in the late 90s and early 00s. Nobody likes them except tween and teen girls who have godawful taste in music.

2. a young teen boy or a 20-something Gen Y man who follows along with whatever shit the idiots in suits dish out, gets a stupid haircut for a couple of bucks, doesn't know anything about rock'n'roll culture, likes Ally McBeal and basically wastes his life away.
1. The Backstreet Boys for real fucking suck out the ass.

2. The employee at the music store came up to me and asked me if I needed help finding anything. I asked do you have any CDs by the band Genesis. That backstreet boy took me over to the Christian pop section. What a dumbass!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice February 8, 2007
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A young male who grew up in a poor neighborhood, on the wrong side of the tracks, educated on the streets, often wise beyond his years but with little couth.
Older women love backstreet boys because they'll fuck anybody.
by Prismonic4 December 1, 2017
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Bend a girl over and fuck the hole created by her legs.
I'm going surprise Sam with the backstreet boy tonight.
by ferkyferk21 November 23, 2011
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Driving intoxicated on the backstreets at night and being a fucking goon. Like the living legend Brede Fuchs.
A:Do you know brede bro?

B: The Backstreet Boy? Fuck ya i fuck with that fool so hard
by Turnt bruh September 2, 2014
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