Ayn Rand's fourth and most expansive novel. The theme of Atlas Shrugged is that independent thinking, and the creativity and inventiveness that comes from this, is the motor that runs the world. In Atlas Shrugged, Rand argues that if the "men of the mind" went on strike, the motor of the world would shut down and civilization would fall apart. This book is an important acheivement for Rand, because it is the most comprehensive basis for her philosophy Objectivism which champions individual rights and the only political system that protects them Capitalism.
"Atlas Shrugged was so awesome."
by optimk August 8, 2005
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A state of mind in which a person believes that the 'world is on their shoulders' and are unable to deal with what they perceive as endless problems.
From Atlas, the Greek God who literally bore the world on his shoulders. Try being that poor bugger.
David: What's up, Mandy?
Mandy: Everything.
David: Woah seems you have a major case of the Atlas Complex.

by NumoWrestler November 15, 2008
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A nickname that an ex-evil shapeshifting principle who fucks the protagonist’s mom gives his favorite student

(he’s also kinda hot)
“You've proven yourself too, Young Atlas. There is hope for you yet.”

“You may not believe me, Young Atlas... but I do wish you luck and hope we meet again one day”
by Holly_Blue742 February 26, 2023
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One working on America's second best rocket.
Dave couldn't make the varsity, so he's an Atlas Boy.
by Delta Boy March 12, 2009
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A ring that represents 8 friends that have gone to many different parts of the US, but remain best friends and always love each other. When looking at this ring, each friend remembers the good times they had together.
An atlas ring is a ring of friendship.

Joan, Emily, Carolyn, Kelsey, Kelly, Emily, Annie & Ally.
by annie mcdermott September 20, 2007
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A Dirty Atlas is when you shoot cum on a girls face so hard that it breaks her nose but continues to try and snort the cum.
That dirty Atlas sent her to the hospital. Swaggy
by Bussy Hair June 26, 2021
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