April 26th is the day the weirdest, most f*cakes up people are born.
The date: April 26
Person one: It's my birthday today!
Person two: Well that explains why you're so weird.
by uwu_lord October 9, 2020
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A day where you have to eat chubby girl out
*girl born on April 26, obviously thicc*

Damn it's my lucky day
by Taishiro toyomitsu September 17, 2021
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National sex day taken or not you have to have sex with the most important person in your life besides family
by Balefelavriwhs April 25, 2018
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Kiss a girl/guy day or national kiss day. Kiss someone on April 26 then you will be blessed.
National kiss day is coming up. On April 26 it is national kiss day this means you have to kiss some one doesn’t matter who.
by Hanndyss??)4: April 26, 2018
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if you are born on this day you are automatically the biggest asshole to walk the earth
“look at him he looks so mean
“yeah, i heard his birthday is april 26”
by whore4urmom:) March 29, 2022
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International lick your fish and floor day. Lick your fish, lick your floor
Defined: lick your floor with your tounge "lick the floor"

Why you use "26. April" don't
by April 24, 2021
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26. April, international lick your fish and floor day.
"lick your floor"
"Lick me"
"Lick that fish"
"26. April wow"
by Jooksen April 24, 2021
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