She is really pretty, she's a bit of a sarcastic person that jokes about her own life and laughs like she wants to commit suicide. She's okay at studying and school. She's an Anime geek, but mostly a stupid weeb. She doesn't like hentai and is not okay with people hitting on her except her best friend. If you annoy her, she'll wreck your life. might even break some bones too...
I really want to be friends with Anika.
by Arvind_AKG August 13, 2019
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the crazy psychopathic person that has a massive obsession with Harry Styles that breaks boys' hearts because she only thinks about harry Edward styles. Her middle name is Skye so she has to marry someone with the last name walker so her name is "Anika Skye Walker".
Anika is a psychopath
Anika thinks her last name is styles
by Ella Horan November 4, 2020
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a bitch that likes wet snails and shitting . Would fuck a piece of cornbread if she could (loves cornbread) Has a fear of public bathrooms ever since there was a shit on the floor. Anika is a sick lad, if you don’t like her go and eat some ass
“is that a public bathroom I’m gonna scream”
“if you don’t like Anika , you can’t talk to me. She’s actually so radical and she’s got shoe game
by that kid across the road June 18, 2019
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An extremely pretty girl who uses her brain more than her beauty. Probably part of the LGBT+ community but doesn't over state it and constantly contribute to it. Probably average height and always over thinks herself. Usually a bit chubby or thick, and picks her friends wisely. Can be sexual but never goes too far. Hates asking for things and never over stays her welcome. Hates when people mispronounce her name, but never let's it show. Usually extremely respectful unless you over step the boundaries and is very responsible, probably grew up with some family issues and humble parent(s). Usually passive-agressive and never let's people take advantage of her. Speaks her mind and always give second chances. Get yourself a girl like Anika (but don't try to steal her from anyone or you'll regret it).
Coco: Oh WOW is that.... Anika?
Joe: Yeah, isn't she so rad!

Coco: I wanna get me one of those
Joe: So sad, she has a girlfriend :(
by Namesandsexualphrases July 12, 2018
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shes the basket ball girl who always is friends with a girl named briana.
girl: whos that girl briana is hanging out with
girl 2: that's anika
by joey mommma January 21, 2021
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Anika is one of the most cutest girls you’ll ever meet. An Anika has a charming personality and is hard not to be around. Anika sometimes has a hard time figuring out who she loves, but when she finds the right someone, she stays to them. If you have an Anika, you’ll want to be with her forever.
“God I can’t stop looking at Anika, Shes so hot right now” I said to my friends during language arts
by NikLovesDinos January 24, 2020
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An example of the female specimen, known to possess the following traits:
-Avid roof-runner
-tendency to mispronounce simple words (no r's)
-hair that's a lot like those markers that are one color but then you use the white marker to change it to a completely different color, and you continue to draw until the paper has turned an unsettling shade of brown
-vertigo (add three-inch heels to a sky-scraper height)
-frugal (enlists creepy Buddha eyes to look over her wallet)
by hhhi... March 20, 2011
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