An exclamation used to define / draw attention to an excellent outcome. Can be used without any preamble. Typically accompanied by suitably emphatic hand / arm gestures.
"I just made the most awesome dinner - boom!"
"Check that backflip - boom!"
Walks into room wearing new shirt - points to shirt "boom!"
by Jack Union May 2, 2013
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Derived from the word boomer. To assume you know what you are doing in everything, but in reality you have no idea (and subconsciously you know this), but just doing it anyway.
“Do you know what you’re doing?”

“No, I’m just booming it and hoping everything works out in my favor.”
by Kalstradamus April 16, 2020
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Princess Diana: *driving*
Her ex: *bumps*
News: Poor Princess Diana died with a boom.
by mexican.potato February 20, 2023
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damn that boy is boom boom! look hes bangin his head against the wall!
by Linachka September 22, 2005
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Colten is booming this weekend; he got a quarter of some bomb-ass shrooms.
by Ross October 29, 2004
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Exclamation: Used as an oral exclamation mark but in a purely conversational context. Its function is not as heightened as the afore mentioned symbol so its impact is designed to simply reinforce ones point or statement. Generally found in light hearted, but not overtly humorous, situations.
Dinner's ready.... Boom.

Just quit my job... Boom.
by M. A. Larkin March 27, 2009
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Typically used in the world of sport and videogames.
If you're booming someone, you're absolutely destroying them.
"Dude, I'm freaking booming these noobs."
by Johnson Kato June 6, 2016
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