Incredibly contrived and far-fetched (but still great to watch) TV show starring Jennifer Garner, Victor Garber, Michael Vartan, and Mia Maestro.
Girl #1: Did you watch ALIAS last night?
Girl #2: YES Vaughn is so hott!
Everyone else in vicinity: SHUT UP ABOUT ALIAS!
by G-Razz June 2, 2005
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Alia is one of the most beautiful and brutally honest people you will meet. She’s nice until you do her wrong. She may look like a bitch on the outside but is extremely nice and can be sensitive. She has a flirty personality and gives the best head you will ever receive. If you have an Alia in your life don’t let her go. She is one of the best people to get advice from and will always put her friends needs before her own.
Person 1: oh I was just with alia
Person 2: you must be lucky
by 42069bj69420 November 23, 2021
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Beautiful girl but she does not know it had a rough past close to family has no friends and the name is lucky sonic your names alia hold on there's luck coming your way don't give up you don't have to hurt much longer pronounce ( ah)(lee) (ah)
I see alia walk by with a hint of sadness in her eyes she try's to smile it off but untill she falls asleep her pain is gone
by So_many_words October 28, 2020
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The worse human to ever exist. If you meet someone named Alia then Run.
Alia: hi
You: *runs*
Alia: they a runner they a track star☹️
by only_spittin_fax_yo May 3, 2021
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Alias is an adjective to describe a very stealthy situation or someone wearing all black a la the television series.
I can't believe you just stole those cookies; that was so alias.
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See that girl over there? That’s an Alia. Heard she had sex with 5 different guys at different times just last night
by Yeet yeet the opossum (Shreka) December 1, 2019
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What High Tech Red Necks call themselves when surfin' daNet.
daDebil has more than one alias.
by daDebil March 2, 2004
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