Man Whore. Flirts with every girl he sees and leads them on and ends up breaking there heart. Jerks off to girls on the phone. Very cold hearted but attractive. Has a very large penis. Has niceeeee abs(: Just get with him mkayyyyy! Peace nigga
harrison has a very firm assss
by edmund richard May 4, 2009
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A seduction maneuver that trades subtlety for passion. Instead of waiting to see if you can negotiate an end of the date kiss, wait until your partner is in the middle of a sentence, grab her (or him) by the hair, and stick your tongue down their throat with such molten passion they forget what they were saying.

Ideally followed by continuing the conversation and the date as if nothing happened, while watching them try to recover their senses.
It just gets so dark so early- *the Harrison is employed* --um, I, hmm?
by iamcalledstrongbad November 24, 2010
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A repeated meme, or a meme that has "been done" before. Often used in The Simpsons fan groups, it refers to a line spoken by Beatles George Harrison when he saw characters from the show sing on a rooftop.
I've seen this meme many times before, it's clearly a Harrison.
by jcarpro October 5, 2018
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An absolute dick of a person. He won’t care about you or comfort you. Harrison’s are very smart and sometimes attractive, and very athletic. He’ll get girls from everywhere and he’ll make you jealous.
Did you see Harrison today? He was with one of his 3 girlfriends.
by The o ember October 17, 2019
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A curly-haired blue-eyed teenage boy with a big nose and really long eyelashes. He is amazing at drawing and very charismatic. He has many friends, but only a few really know him. Those who do know that he has a sensitive side and is secretly a romantic at heart. An amazing lover. Family-oriented.
Girl: Damn Harrison has long eyelashes. I wanna steal them off his face.

Harrison: I have a secret sensitive side that I will conceal by drawing penises on every surface I encounter.
Boy: Harrison, you're so fucking funny!

Girl 1: I literally came while Harrison was deflowering me.
Girl 2: That sounds like Harrison!
by KittySpat August 6, 2013
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a loser who thinks he’s good at fortnite and makes fun of people who like anime
“ew molly likes anime?” “woah bro stop being such a harrison”
by hahahamolly January 10, 2019
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