On certain dating websites, such as WebDate, there is a small Turkish population. These individuals sometimes perv other users with poignant, irreverent and sometimes touching sentiments like "Open Boobzzzz pls" or "Open Sexy". Sexy can, alternately, be spelled sexii as well. Turk has gone from being a noun to being a verb as in Turking. It can used interchangebly with perving.
I saw him Turk in the chat room.
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As In fantasy VII, a turk is a certain group in ShinRa Inc. . The turks usually kill(say that in the game.)
The turks are Reno, Rude, Tseng, And Elena.
by Sephiroth_Lover_Ashley May 11, 2006
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An insensitive, selfish, ignorant, cocky person who is inconsiderate and does stupid things.
That Henry sure is one big Turk
Don't be a Turk!
by Urizzle January 15, 2010
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Underground organization structured around leadership broken up to three leaders. Known for computer, video game, and martial art skills. Name based on a group from the video game Final Fantasy 7. DrgnZomb RenoRelife Zeno
by Anonymous November 19, 2004
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Those two have been turking each other I feel sure !
by Muffindamule October 1, 2006
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verb meaning to rape anally or "rectally relieve." seen in the film The Great White Hype.
"I'd rather be turked by a syphilitic bear."
"Rectally relieved."
by max frisch July 25, 2006
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Can mean two things: 1. Referring to a people inhabiting modern day Turkey which is makes up most of the historic region of Anatolia. The Turks originally came from Central Asia, probably close to Mongolia. They speak a Turkic language, which belongs to the Altaic branch of languages, just like Japanese, Mongolian, Korean etc. It is noteworthy to add that people who inhabited Anatolia long before like Kurds (3,000 + BC Karda/South of present day Van in Turkey), Armenians (3,000 + BC, Armenia is a well known region from ancient to modern times), Pontian Greeks (2,000 + BC Western Anatolia).

2. Can be used as a slang term for the bird usually prepared for Thanksgiving in USA especially, called turkey.
1. A Turk used to live in the Steppes of Mongolia and speak an Altaic language that has no roots in Anatolia what so ever.

2. A Turk first arrived in Anatolia maximum 900 years ago and minimum 150 years ago.

3. Should we prepare the turk now or wait a little?

4. The turk looks ready honey!
by KingofKardaMasterofTurks August 28, 2013
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