Harvey’s can be dickheads at times, but trust me they’re fit and caring and will support you through anything, I assume they’re good in bed and they have very big fat ass heads and they look like hedgehogs
by Karah October 29, 2019
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To be a total asshole to everyone in order to make up for something.
After my friend accidentally showed us his penis, we found out that he'd just been Harveying.
by Quinnylinguistmwahaha May 22, 2009
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Originally a magazine from a niche genre of pr0n from the 80s catering to men with low self-esteem, and/or erectile dysfunction. Now it is applied to any noun (person, place, or thing) embodying a limp, non-assertive, or passive quality. Lacking testosterone, spine, balls.
1. Hey girl, when are you going to dump the Harvey and start dating a real man?
2. I was hanging out with all the Harveys in the Young Republican club until I quit and joined the rubgy team.
3. Man, you're a Cold Fusion programmer? You must be a Harvey.
by Eduard Slaccuchi April 15, 2008
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A nerdy boy who is probably very skinny. Although he is generous,kind and loving he is often just ignored because of his intelligence.
Omg he's such a Harvey
by XxfuckmasterXx69 May 17, 2014
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pet name for a male-shaped vibrator
She slipped Harvey up her bonkie.
by Jake August 24, 2005
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Slang term for Homogenized, or "Homo", milk. Given in reference to famous gay activist Harvey Milk.
1. Hey Joe, pass the Harvey, I'm trying to have some Cheerios over here.
2. I won't ever drink Coke unless it has half Harvey.
by dill_mill March 22, 2009
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Harvey is a really sexy person he has a really big dick and can make a woman happy
by Don’t use you real name February 20, 2021
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