Sorry little inbreed with a low IQ. This sort of person normally resides in such small towns as Hythe where everyone sleeps with everyone else.
You only need to watch Emmerdale... or you could just visit Hythe.
by Mr Happy January 8, 2004
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This is an Edinburgh term used to insult of belittle an individual. The term is similar yet far more offencive than the conventional idiot.
by coco Brennan hertz boy June 18, 2006
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The small pieces of shit that are normally mixed with fluff from the underwear. These can easily be picked off with a good tug and normally are good projectiles!
Guy1: did you hear about Sam Cleworth?
Guy2: No why?
Guy1:He has bare dingles around his rectum!
by Layd March 5, 2012
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to dingle, verb.

to dick around; to mess around and be silly wasting time.
Should I do homework, or just dingle around on the internet?

How was practice today?
Eh, it was just a dingle sesh.
by theDingle February 17, 2011
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When someone makes one of those 'statements' that are totally pointless or irrelevant to the discussed situation or something that wasn't funny, this can also be examples that make no sense what so ever. Typical reactions to this could be "what?" "eh?" "what the.." and a "lol" at the end. This person is then a 'Dingle'
1 "yo you talk so much shit man." 2 "nah i dont talk as much shit as my man" 3 "what u talking about i dont talk shit?" 1 "you talk more shit than the word." .. 2,3 "eh? Yo stop being a dingle man"
by shadeybass July 1, 2010
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1. Any pubic hair from the top of your ass crack to the chota.
2. When ones balls hang unubstructed and free to slap on your legs they are in full dingle.
I let my balls dingle over Tylers face for a minute before I t-bagged him square on the lips.
by Jimboozie October 15, 2003
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