a word you can use for when you need to poo :)
person one: hey man, I'm just going to go and drop a Boris, call back later
by imwearingaredjumper February 17, 2021
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SI unit of measurement for beauty. It is usually in reference to the Victoria Secret Models, sometimes used as a name.

1 Bori = Beauty of 10 Models.
Bori could land a modelling contract dressed as a vagrant.
by mastershake December 23, 2013
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A broken promise (esp: one that is repeated again and again)

To make a promise that you intend to break (usually again)
To make a false promise.

Someone who makes promises but never keeps them is 'a Boris' (adj)
'Don't believe a word this Boris tells you!"
"Is that a promise or a Boris?"

"He Borised to mow the lawn, I just know it!" (verb)

"If hear one more Boris from you!"
by Jonny Boeing December 16, 2019
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1. To get crumbs or some other form of shmutz all over the place. (verb)

2. Used as a noun to say that there are crumbs all over you.

(Borising commonly occurs after a late night hookup...unidentified crumbs may appear.)
Ex 1:
"Oh man! While eating the pretzels i Borised all over myself! :("

Ex 2:
"Looks like while i was eating Boris paid me a little visit"
by lizbrez March 12, 2009
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A stingy mother fucker. One who gives as little as possible and expects to recieve a greater value in return in any scenario.
"Stop being a cheap asshole and pay for yourself."
"Stop being a Boris"

by Boris Li November 16, 2007
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Slang term for taking a dump. Can either be a Boris Yeltsin...in which case this poo was solid as a rock...or a Boris Becker...in which this poo was smooth like the tennis player.
Well, i gotta go take a Boris.
Yeltsin or Becker?
C'mon we just had tacos....you know which one!!
by nappeo November 19, 2009
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