DDS are a collective of around 50 graffiti artists that are from london, one of the most infamous and prolific crews ever.
DDS, Graffiti, london, crews, writing, taggers, burners, vandalism, Diabolical DubstarS
by s4ur0n April 12, 2008
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acronym meaning Drinking, Drugs & Sex. Used when describing an intense weekend of partying.
Just a heads up, this weekend will be intense. Fun filled with DDS!
by mothergoosestories September 15, 2010
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Dumbass Dorian Shit/ when someone (especially named Dorian) constantly does something stupid or without thinking about future possible consequences.
“Omg bruh, this that dds Im talking about. How you burn the damn cheese toast!?”
by luckisaidimwockhardt May 9, 2023
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A pointless and highly obnoxious smiley. It's most likely that it originated because some idiot on an AIM convo made a typo and made to D's instead of one on their =D smiley. So now, every idiotic AIMer uses =DD as a spacefiller. A replacement for "lol" or "xD".
Person 1: I went to school yesterday.
Person 2: =DD
Person 1: ...fuck you.
Person 2: =DD
by Egaro February 1, 2009
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Dick Deparavation Syndrome:
Suffered by females who need the vitamin D as in Dickkk, females suffering from dds be too thirsty.
Malaika: “How is life taking u?”
Chantal: “Not well, really I broke up with my mans now I need a new cure for my DDS”
by Dds cure May 13, 2019
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DDS-(Dry Dick Syndrome)...a medical ailment that results frm not gettin ur dick wet...symptoms include depression, horniness, sexual frustration and havin a very dry dick...the only cure is usin ur best friend (ur hand) or gettin yo shit wet...this usually occurs during parties or other situations involving sexy ass females...
You: man i was so close to fuckin that girl last night!!!

Friend: frealz what happened??

You: man we was hella gettin into it but she had to bounce, i got a bad case of DDS...shits dryer than a Motha Fucka!!
by The tall ass hyphy man January 19, 2010
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Drug dealer, person selling the shit to make you high
"lets blaze, ah shit i gotta see my DD first im out"

by Savoyo August 3, 2008
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