When you find someone else's shit in the toilet and you have to flush before you use it
I got into the stall at the restaurant and had to do a reverse courtesy flush for the guy before me before I could drop my own deuce.
by LeafyGreens37 December 15, 2022
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When you don't have enough time to unclogg the toilet before you have to pee so when you flush you leave immediately and wash your hands in the kitchen sink
My friend had to pull a Flush & Fly before he got the his hazmat suit on to reenter the "battlezone"
by Niggerinthehood December 17, 2018
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The white person version of Asian flush -- A debilitating array of symptoms white people experience when eating any spicy foods, including a running nose, tears, and the face turning red. A crippling, full-body experience caused by even little amounts of spice.
John was experiencing caucasian flush from the white bread, causing him to lay on the floor in the fedal position for 30-45 minutes.
by Mr. Statewide April 9, 2020
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When a guy offers to take his lady friend to restaurant and feeds his lady lots of food,morphine and a shit tone of laxatives with out her knowledge and offers her to come sleep over his ,waits until she falls fast asleep and rams his cock into her vagina,wiggles his thumb into her ass hole and covers her mouth and as he's about to cum, pisses inside her until his thumb gets forced out her A hole by all the runny shit streaming out of her.
Yo Floyd I just flush gusher'd yo bitch and holy shit it was messy!
by kittycatmomo November 2, 2016
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a Discord server that wants to donate.
a Slack workspace that didn't donate, for plans.
a watermark that appears on loot999's YouTube.
Minh Khang: go to the flushed room
uwuKitten: okay ;)
by relaxedkaomoji December 23, 2021
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When you've clogged the absolute fuck out of your toilet, you resign yourself to go get the plunger, and then, you hear a sucking sound, and the water flows through your pipes and out of your bowl as it compelled by a higher power.
Man, I clogged the hell out of my toilet after I ate that bad burrito, I was praying for a miracle flush but I ended up just getting diarrhea all over my arms when I plunged the damn thing.
by Lone15 April 17, 2020
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Being so fat that as you flush the toilet and yet you have not managed to stand up all the way and your bollocks are washed by the incoming toilet flush.
Travis: "Hey, guys I was just ball flushing in the turdis (portable toilet), and I quite liked it"
by SgtChunder November 28, 2015
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