The CCP gave Hunter Biden's LCC which produces nothing "good faith seed money" for nothing in return.
by Bandet July 24, 2023
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a electronic brand, full of tvs, remotes etc.
person 1: wow we have a lifes good tv
person 2: yeah its cool
person 3: shut the fuck up its great not cool
person 4: hey lets not have a fight here
by Popp Hunna May 12, 2021
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the phrase “off the good tens” refers to the commonly known illicit drug; Percocet or “Percs”. the ten refers to the dosage, as 10mg is the most potent and highest dosage.
“Damn, this shit hittin’, I’m really off the good tens!”
by megletomzz April 8, 2023
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five meaning a set of five good twos, in which case you have five twos that add up to ten
lil nig: Rate dat ho over there
me: I’ll give her a five, five good twos 🤣
by jeen yuhs March 12, 2022
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An exclamation to God for some reason, usually in shock.
Person One:Good lord! I don't believe I ate that entire tub of bean dip!
Person Two:Fatass!
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a lord of good qualitys
thats a good lord u got there fella
by kent July 24, 2004
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