Chavs, o! You light up my day!!! You think you're soo hard core (innit)with your "burberry" gear, flourescent pink tracksuits with scraped back hair into a "fashionable" (safe man!) messy bun. Your bling (bling bling) hoop earrings in bling gold, just make me smile, and your accents just are widely known. O, and the guys (you aint ma blud, innit bruv) with your shot spikey hair, and (fucking safe) swagger. Chavs you have come to take over this world, and you're doing a very good job of it :S . That's kinda scary.
Indeed, it is very scary, that the phenominal species, of the given title "chavs", are in fact, taking over this universe.
by Yo freako October 10, 2005
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Boys/Girls who deal drugs wear jeans so loose we see their pants and practically go blind.Boys who want to get a girl preganant and never talk to them again.Girls who think they are cool when wearing cheap burberry from the 99p store when they all look like a bunch of losers
1st chav:YO BRUV,wassupp oh my gawd blad guess wat!
2nd chav:WAT BLAD
by EMo rOcK 101 July 11, 2008
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Typicaly working class white children that have some how gone against there perants morrals and dignaty and have singed on to the dole, pepole that hate chavs are often classed as snobs. I hate chavs and where common as they come i mean we live in a two up two down with me,my brother, my mother and my sis and non of us have resorted to becoming that inferier race.
This is how a chavs day tends to go

"Wake up at 11pm"
"arive late to school, because they seem to think that education dose not matter"
"skip afternoon class, go home nick your mums benifit money"
"go out get pissed"
"get a girl pregnant"
"spead a std"
"go home"
"repeat this cycle till there 45 and then there two old to pull even the most hidiouss slapper, that what yers of unprotected sex gets you"
by meee1232323232 March 22, 2008
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Ugly, Benefit scrounger, Unemployed, Lazy, Spotty, Thug, Shit Music Taste, Interbred, Scum Of The Earth, Hunt in Packs, Should of ALL been put down at Birth. Need to be sterilised to stop breeding. Either that or hope they all get Chlamydia which makes them infertile *hopes* The same intelligence as a mouldy potato. Need to be shot at point blank range.
There goes a group of thick Chavs, probably going to start a fight with some defenseless person for no reason at all.
by AmyWamy July 3, 2010
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Low lifes, Unwanted by the public, Violent, and basically hated by everyone, even their own so called friends dont like them, they just hang out with them just to be popular.

The girls are always dressed in the long cheap shirt that says "Im your Bitch" or something like that, they wear their hair really tight up or they will have the small layered pony tail almost at the top of their head with a fringe that is totally identical to all their "mates", usually with unatural looking blonde streaks.
The wear cheap looking make up, and rediculously large hooped ear rings, they will ware their tight skinney jeans (wich all the emo's and scene kids had way before them)
they wear silver and gold dolly shoes or they would wear tracksuits and nike trainers.
Most the girls are pregnant before they are 15 or have atleast had sex at 12 years old.

The boys dye their hair blonde or blonde streaks and ususally spike it up or wear a baseball hat.
they either wear football kit or tracksuits and always wear nike trainers.
they usually smoke from the age of 10, and have one ear pierced with a huge rock in it.
They use words like "innit" and "mush" or "Bruv" and they like to be idiots on the street by harrasing old ladies or picking fights with people older than them.
they also pretend they are funny when they start pretending to flirt with other girls, usually like emo's or goth's, then they pretend to ask them out and when they are turned down they start to insult the girls and really embarras them.

Chavs are just awfull people, if you can call them people that is.
they also hang outside fast food places like McDonalds, Burger King and the hang around in childrens parks, they are basically everywhere causing trouble.
Chavs ususally have come from bad backgrounds and abusive famillies, which is why most chavs are violent and have left home at a young age.
Chav Violent
by Checkered wristband September 12, 2009
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A vile, parasitic, sub-human and inbred off shoot of humanity, thought to have originated from caves chavs still;

Possess little or no education (Vocab consisting of poorly pronounced 'words' and abrehviations such as; innit, yer m8, wht u chattin', u startin'.)

An infatuation with dirt cheap shiny objects (The Bigger and more of them the better)

Cheap sports clothing (Tucked into football socks usually even though they arn't playing football)

Often engage in illegal activity (Starting from very young ages - they are the reason woolworths had to close down it's stores ¬¬)

Listen to shit popular / chart music (They have no desire or ability to be individual)

Like the animals they are they group in herds (This is too appear remotely threatening, but probably more for safety ... or perhaps they are just meeting up waiting for a disabled elderly victom to amble past them so they can 'Deck her for her shineys - money')

Human equivilent of magpies (Building on the attraction to shiney objects)

Have no future (They WILL grow up to be benefit sponges)

Possess poor teeth and skin (They are the definition of ugly - this is due to there mother also being their sister)

Thank you, you have been educated by a Goth DJ & Producer on the sub human parasitic vile greasy bastard inbreds.
As it is hard to destinguish between chav males and chav females i have gone to the trouble of generalising the themes shared by all members of both sexes;

Greasy skin

poor grasp of literacy

cheap sports clothing that is either too big or too small for them (there benefits havnt came through recently)

musky body odour of sweat and white lightning usually anus and stale smoke aswell

These primitive apes are following there own form of religion, the church of McDonalds, chav cave paintings depict Ronald McDonald, the saviour that tought them the ways of inbreeding, retardedness and how to constantly wreak of foul odour. This is why chavs are often seen congragating outside of Mcdonalds outlets ... it is also there idea of upperclass fine dining. (Chav version of the Ritz)
by AntagonistMusic October 11, 2010
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A frighteningly unintelligent (AND POOR) creature with no morals or fashion sense. For more information see:White TrashandScratter.
CHAV: Oi! wot u lukin at! I iz well 'ard i iz mate. I'll fukin merk ya! Ya fukin gay goff, innit.
CIVILIZED PERSON: Pardon? I'm afraid i don't speak Working class scrounger language. Can you speak any English?
CIVILIZED PERSON: Please go back to your council estate you pathetic piece of POOR WHITE TRASH.
(Luckily, by this time the police arrive and arrest the chav for breaching the conditions of his Anti Social Behavioural Order.)
by Andy_The_Righteous_One August 13, 2006
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