Man meat with pieces of poop on (usually corn) after anal sex.
Also a reference to Corned Beef, which is also known as bully beef
"Bro don't you love eating Corned Meat?"
"Hell yeah brother, I love the chocolaty after taste!"
by Blyat lol I'm a philanthropist November 11, 2020
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A super epic meme page that you should definitely not follow because you're uncool and probably smell like ketchup *Whips*
Josh: "Hey, did you see that cool meme yeeted meat posted?"
Gavin: "Yeah, that shit was the bomb bro!"
Both: "Radical!"
by NotActuallyWhoYouThinkIAm November 11, 2018
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When a girl sucks dick with braces and skin gets stuck in her mouth or leaves marks
Damn Gina, rebca gave me mad meat chopper marks last night
by Mr.lightskin March 24, 2016
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A word in which one uses to explain a morbidly obese British male teacher that is severely addicted to fast food.
John - damn why is that teacher so fat
Jack - I don’t know but he looks like a Mr Meats
John - oh that explains it
by SalimAhmedYoussef December 5, 2020
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large amount of muscle grown from the age of around seventeen which can boost male confidence if they have not been well muscled before that age.
16 year old, small, thin, sticklike

17 year old, shirt bursting at the seams as he grows extra muscle, ie, late teen meat
by JFwolves June 6, 2012
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Is what happens to the 44oz steak you just ate after drinking a Guinness.
"I made Nick drink a guiness after dinner and he gave me a meat shower!"
by Douchmagoosh February 4, 2017
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