A word that scares a lot of people but basically just means the concept of equal rights between women and men.
by pornesianparrapio November 10, 2021
by KatherineMf April 12, 2017
The cancer of the 21th century.
by Just a troll June 19, 2024
Feminism is not anything that people around here said. First and last, Feminism is a a noun that comprehend ideas and beliefs about women and men having the same rights within academia, politics or just your home.
by paparadap October 23, 2018
Feminism is amazing the word it self is describing powerful women who stand their ground and aren’t afraid to stand up for what they think is right feminism is powerful feminism is incredible and feminism is the brightest point of women hood (aside from you know GIVING LIFE)
by Divine Lovely💕 June 15, 2022
by A Stupid Teen. May 5, 2023
In a war, a group of people sees something another group has (be it money, power, or resources) that they have a (usually) financial interest in, and they decide they want it enough to take it. Once the other group has it, it's hardly ever shared equally with other groups, it's just a different group that has it now. Feminism is the same thing, the intention of a feminist is not equality for all human beings (it's never been that selfless), it's who gets what, it always was who gets what. The equality rhetoric has always been a distraction that sounded good to the most varied groups of people. There is no such thing as everybody wins, there is only who gets what. Negotiation is one person or group trying to talk another person or group into giving up or surrendering, it's never been in anyone's best interest but the ones trying to get other people to negotiate or compromise.
by Solid Mantis September 18, 2020