the delicate art of teabagging while doing the robot
Man #1 Hey! Remember that girl from the club last night?
Man #2 Ya. What about her?
Man #1 I Robot Teabagged that bit*h!
by Rewind! February 4, 2010
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When you're banging a chick, and you insert your scrotum into both her vagina and her anus, while she squeezes on them.
Man, I was with my girlfriend yesterday and she started squeezing teabags, it was intense.
by Gazelle Attacker August 19, 2006
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Not wiping yourself after taking a shit and giving someone a teabag
He broke into my house as I was taking a shit so I tackled and streaking teabagged him
by tH3Chuck October 8, 2021
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To lemon teabag means for a beautiful lady to receive oral with her partners face under her, as in the common phrase taco dip, similar to to the male form of teabagging. See karma sutra positions 170, 146 and 158 for reference.
Why don't you come over so we can watch some david attenborough documentaries and I can lemon teabag you?
by seaflapflap March 30, 2018
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I was out on the nude beach for too long today and now I have a Devil's Teabag
by dswow May 10, 2020
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High-fiving your buddy while dipping your balls into the same person's mouth.
Sweet Eiffel Teabag, bro! Should we kiss now, or what?
by blingblingishere March 1, 2016
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When u kill someone in a video game and for get to teabag
"man i got this sick kill yesterday"
"Did u teabag him"
"Nah viva le teabag"
by PickleRickwubba March 23, 2018
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