1) It's term for personal Computer.

2) PC means Political Correct. To round it up, it means being an asswipe on the Internet, but get triggered by everything.

These species usually have some sort of mental issue, this is a term that has just been discovered 2 years ago.
1) My PC can run Doom at 4K 120fps, fuckwad

2) You said the n-word? Will I'M GOING SLIT YOUR THORAT IN YOUR SLEEP
by FUCKYOUEPIC November 11, 2018
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1) "Dammit my PC is running so slow, I really need to upgrade the RAM"
2) "People often use PC language when referring to people with disabilities"
3) "Don't forget to include your P.C. in the address so the package can be delivered correctly"
4) "I'll catch up with you later, man. Pc!"
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Abbreviation of purple cock

When a penis is squeezed by something so tight, that blood cannot flow properly, and it becomes purple in color.
I got a bad case of PC when I got my dick stuck in a toaster.
by PixelGeek52 June 21, 2016
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Pecker check ;When your partner unbuckles your belt and angrily pulls your pants down and proceeds to sniff your pecker to determine where your unit has been
It's all fun and games until you get the Ole pc, "it smells like soap because I washed it babe "
by kossy September 17, 2022
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nicotine or “nic
yo bro u got that pc with u today?

yes bro fresh out da box..
by bigdaddy100 May 26, 2020
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Perfect Cum means getting out a huge load or the rainbow give, the best cum out there any girl may be looking for. Some may say it is the hardest thing to handle during sex but worth it in the end, sometimes it could hurt a lot but sends out a rocket filled with white nutritious sperm that will eliminate her insides.
Girl: u got the pc today?

Guy: I sure do babe get ready to handle me this time 🤪
by Ramsello October 6, 2020
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