Fiona is the most amazing girl in the world. She is unique, beautiful, understanding, kind, and loving. A beam of sunshine who will always make your day better. Fiona is a very smart, creative girl who can do anything if she puts her mind to it. The best person ever. She is one of a kind. Someone who loves and cares for everyone. Out of anyone anyone would be lucky to be with her or even have her as a friend.
Fancy/Fiona is amazing
by marleyylmao December 24, 2022
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rural oasis teeming with gay little finkums beating little children in southwest virginia
Person: Why is my car covered in paintballs?
Ghetto Child: Welcome to Fancy Gap Bitch
by Gringo7 April 27, 2010
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A woman/man who is short enough to view their significant others' genitals without crouching more than 2 feet.
Jake: Hey bro that girl short af
Alex: Yeah dude she's at Fancy Bulge Inspector (FBI) height
by QPaulG July 10, 2022
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Term used to describe when you collect period blood with a pipette.
Friend 1: "Yo this burger slaps, what did you put on it?"
Friend 2: "Just my girlfriend's Fancy Ketchup."
by WaffleDude October 19, 2020
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When you get so tired/fatigued to the point of not making any sense and almost making intoxicated type of decisions/conversation.
Fancy butthole. (Gemma has been awake for 36 hours and is talking about how she wishes she had miniature dinosaurs as pets)
“What are you talking about Gemma, are you fancy buttholing right now??”
by bekala0 February 19, 2023
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-Trashed to the point of mass destruction, where one's gait is severely altered by huge amounts of alcohal consumption

-Often results in a sway or stagger in one's walk. seriously sloppy steps.
"I was doing some serious fancy dangling last night after that tequila run!"

"Man, that girl was fucked! She put on her fancy dangler shoes to roll out of the bar last night"
by j-goods January 25, 2007
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Adding a fancy add on to your Brightwok bowl
Let's make it fancy - I'll add the grilled pineapple
by brightwokker August 18, 2018
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