on the 10th of december, you get to frick the mods of discord, but the discords mods cant do anything
the mods got fricked up because it was the frick the mods day
by gamer_boy December 10, 2021
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matteo leo he loves lunchables and hates girls but he da pussy slayer he gets layed every day
by matteo leo frick boy September 18, 2019
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A combination of Japanese and English language to make fun of a jojo meme by adding the frick to it therefore saying what the fuck.
Guy 1: i just ate a kid dude.
Guy 2: NANI THE FRICK!!!!?????
by Payzane and LoveCat October 5, 2020
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Frick penis can be used in two ways.
1. When you had sex with someone whose penis, either real or fake was DESTROYING or DISSAPOINTING in the bed. (To use the term Frick Penis you had to be the one below)
2. When someone is being mean or rude to you, you can refer to them as a person who likes frick penises in themselves. Its a kinder, lighter version of calling someone a freak.
1. Oh my god. His FRICK PENIS was killing my nigga ass. That night made me crippled, and I fucking enjoyed it.
2. You FRICK PENIS. Why is this good to you? Just please let me and my family go.
by ButtFingererNigga🧨 July 10, 2023
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The term used by every squeaker who has ever played black ops, halo, or call of duty on an online game and lost
Whaa? I almost killed you like fifty times! You keep knifing me you Fricking Frag! I'll hack you!
by Warble Glommie March 8, 2016
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when your friends do something so stupid. usally said by young kids.
riend 1: "bro we fucked the project!"

friend 2: "bro what are we going to do?!"

friend 3: "you fricking idiots!"
by 2ewd March 9, 2023
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