Joe Diamond Fancy is the best man there is. He is a legitimate Kung Fu Master and specialized in Japanese woodworking. Joe Diamond Fancy basks in Monster Energy girls and motorcycles. He slings cock and wood.
Joe Diamond Fancy breaks necks and cashes fuckin’ fat checks
by Hardwoods4justice September 30, 2022
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A type of floss that has a particularly fancy flavor.
I used fancy floss this morning.
by Tatum_morris October 26, 2017
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Something that sounds dirty but really isn't. Also worn by pirates, which is cool.
he's bringing back fancy cuffs
by not_me_but_really_is_me March 7, 2016
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noun. 1. Sparkles held together with male ejaculate. 2. an adult beverage spiked with male ejaculate and sparkles.

verb. To decorate the face of a person with sparkles held together with male ejaculate usually in the shape of a mustache, beard, eyebrows or monocle.
After Murray passed out, we fancy juiced a monocle on his face until he looked like a festive Monopoly man.
by FancyJuicer69 December 29, 2016
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Performing cunnilingus on someone who has a yeast infection. Smells like cat food, tastes like cat food, but that pussy ain’t a cat.
I don’t care if you have a yeast infection, give me some of that fancy yeast.
by Mr.tit July 22, 2021
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