Not a gay person but rather

1,An extremely annoying, inconsiderate
person most commonly associated with Harley riders.

2. A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley
1. That person riding that Harley is a fag.

2. There is a fag on my street
by a1b23 November 8, 2009
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The word "fag" originally meant a bundle of sticks. It first became a word used to refer to gay men and lesbians during World War II. When the Nazis burned gays and lesbians alive at the stake, they placed a faggot ("a bundle of sticks") at the foot of the stake and ignited. Jews were not the only ones murdered by the Nazis -- Nazis also killed the gays and lesbians and the disabled. Next time you use it, you might want to think about what you are implying (ie. that the person referred to as a fag should die).

The word is also used by some gay men themselves, much in the same way that the word N**** is used by some people of African descent. In these cases, the using these epithets are seen as methods of political, social, and conscious subversion.
you're such a fag.

you stupid fag.

by connor83 June 8, 2006
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A person or persons that plays cod mw2 , this person is usally bad at it and cimplains when he dies that he was lagging or the person that killed him was cheating , he himself tends to call other people a fag alot all tho he himself is the true fag . This person is usally between the age of 12-15
Why did this fags parents by him cod mw2 .
by numberseven777 January 18, 2010
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Who knows. Apparently it has something to do with the word "fag" but it doesn't serve any purpose as a real word. The correct context is just to randomly say it in any situation where it isn't expected, I guess.
"I can't believe there were people hitting on me at my mom's funeral. That just seems so offensive, what kind of asshole would do that?!"
by liliennnnnnn December 20, 2006
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normal-people language for a cigarette
10 year old chav: gis a fag
me: no
10 year old chav: well at least gis a drag!
me: no, get your own bloody fags!
by s9uit October 14, 2007
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A suffix appended to any word to indicate obsession, often to create a pejorative. Exaples include gaiafag and ecofag.
Examples of the prefix "-fag":

Look at that guy with the chains over there. He looks like a real metalfag.

Oh man, see that fat man with the budweiser hat? Looks like a real beerfag.
by Gaiacarra October 26, 2008
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