An old dude that says "alright" to much
And his arms are hairless because he shaves them
by Cdddddd October 24, 2017
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Tommy - " That was easy"
Ken - " Your mom was easy"
Ken- "Got him coach"
by Your mom will bring home Tyron October 21, 2020
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A sexy ass gym teacher in south creek middle school who has the juiciest man tits
Holy shit isnt that the hot gym teacher, coach roberts?!”
by urmum749263926383)3 April 24, 2022
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A blonde coach is someone who is tasked with assessing a person in real time, and evaluating their decisions and determining if they are doing something a blonde would do or having a blonde moment.
I think Jennifer needs a blonde coach she is always doing the ditsiest things.
by Tommy & Timmy B May 3, 2021
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n. Well-dressed earnest motivationalist who helps disaffected urbanites to reach their full potential by unmasking and eliminating any splenocentric phobias, taboos or sexual blocks. Tasty snacks, sachets of aromatic herbs, and vaginal whispering are usually included on a BOGO basis.

So much repressed hostility, giggling at the sight of certain flowers, and so many unexplained bruises and episodes of epistaxis;: I think I need a spleen coach.

Or a competent haematologist.
by gnostic3 June 25, 2019
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Makes us run sprints ,carries breifcase

Playes drake music during sprints ovr

Coach javier escato
by P_milling November 12, 2021
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Coach Nick Baker commonly uses LOL in his text messages. Most may believe that it would mean "laughing out loud" or "lots of love" but it is starting to become clear that he is sending the team a hidden meaning. That secret meaning is "lots of losses" as he points out the teams inability to hit a baseball and to not get walked off every other game.
Coach Baker's LOL: If you saw the team we played today you would understand lol.
by qwerty98712 May 13, 2022
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