An insane gamer and friend. Constantly has the sex with his friends moms
That guy is totally Sneaks, he just did all of our moms
by Sneaks August 4, 2021
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A term for a girl that you get intimate with
A yo chris is that your new sneak? She kinda bad.
by Ricky Charlotte January 13, 2022
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bullying (which is wrong) but done behind the person being bullied's back
Bully: That guy Bob is dumb and ugly and sucks.

Me: Stop being a sneak bully wtf!!!
by LoliLover12 July 19, 2017
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The sight of seeing SFC. Orville P. Snorkle in sneakers, which he hardly ever wears. He was recently seen in sneakers on October 7, 2011 getting ready to play tennis with Pvt. Beetle Bailey. Swampy Sneaks are very hard to spot but Sarge, as he is known, is the most frequent wearer of them. The other guys don't often wear them. If you want to see something sweet, catch Sgt. Snorkle in his Swampy Sneaks!
Orville: Hey Stainy, how about some tennis? I got my Swampy Sneak!

Stainy: You're on! Bet I'll beat you. Nothing beats a good game of tennis. Sweet Jesus!

Orville: (he lifts his foot up to show Stainy the sneaker) Check this out, size 15! Great traction, comfy as all get out! These babies make me the king of the swamp.

Stainy: (yelling) Hold on, wait till you see mine. I drew a picture of Mary on these. Sweet! (they start playing tennis)

Orville: Well, that's 15-Love. I'm ready for you anytime, night or day! (they start chasing each other back and forth hitting the tennis ball)

Stainy: Match point! Look out, I'm gonna get this. (he hits the ball so hard it gets Orville on the foot) Take that! Right on the Swampy Sneak.

Orville: Good one! You beat me, I admit it. But, aren't these Swampy Sneaks fun to wear? Pretty snazzy, huh?
by Dusty's Baby Powder October 14, 2011
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A phrase describing a male, cunning person who will do anything to project himself as a fantastic guy towards women, just to get laid. A pussy sneak might also try to steal your woman. Translated from the norwegian word "fittesnik". Made famous by Thomas Giertsen in a norwegian comedy show called "Helt Perfekt" (Just Perfect).
Everybody knows Trond Giske is a pussy sneak!
by iwannabeakennedy February 2, 2017
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When your chic thinks you ain’t looking, and twists her ass or shoots a wink...or even bats an eye to the next one
Wow, she thought I didn’t peep her sneak flirting
by Big dicolas October 22, 2018
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