An organisation, typically a dictatorship, where nobody supports the current leadership, however they believe that everyone else around them is in favour of the governing body, thus peer pressuring themselves into following along and keeping their true opinions unheard. Thus, this provides a false state of stability that could collapse at any point if any one member is willing to risk making themselves heard.
The public realised their countries false foundation and revolted against the government.
by Window28 January 2, 2022
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False arrest is a common law tort, where a plaintiff alleges they were held in custody without probable cause, or without an order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. Although it is possible to sue law enforcement officials for false arrest, the usual defendants in such cases are private security firms.
False arrest 🤔
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 23, 2019
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Refers to when someone temporarily stops his current activities to allow for a common bodily-function (burp, fart, sneeze, etc.), but then said "eruption" never ends up occurring.
My co-worker claims to have a tickly nasal-canal and that's why he has to stop working so many times and just stand/sit motionless for a good while with his hand covering his nose/mouth as a precaution against "messy" sneezing, but he very seldom actually does "let fly", and so it looks like just false pausitives to me --- I think he merely wants to take lots of breaks and get out of working steadily like the rest of us!
by QuacksO November 18, 2017
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this is someone who seeks approval in others so badly to be loved by everyone to get all the perks and appreciation/love that a hero gets when he saves lives or solve problems or do good deeds for a hero, and a false hero would even steal a true hero credit or kill him and take credit for everything he done. a false hero is a special kind of super villains that is far more evil than they are...and especially everyone think they are so nice and kind...houston we have a problem. (not a movie quote)
S.o.S no one can find a false hero in time to get rid of this savage beast
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When you want to fck so you text your booty call to ask where shes at. But you end up wanking it by the time they respond. Thus losing the desire to bang.
Dude: Fck, Im so horny after this lunch. Wonder were Girl is.

Dude> Hey whats up?
*1 hour later..
Girl> Not much, just bored! What about you?
Dude> Nm, False alarm.
by sdletsdance October 26, 2012
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When someone tries to pretend they were being ironic, but they meant exactly what they were saying. Often a tactic of bullies and fascists who claim they were just making jokes and having fun, but the intent has nothing to do with having fun.
It's false irony when Matt Walsh's Twitter calls himself a "Theocratic fascist", and pretends he's just being ironic, but then actually promotes fascism.
by YourPreudonym August 2, 2022
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Someone who thinks they've matured past their immature days, but in reality are just in another phase.
Bill stated that he was past his cringey phase, but in reality this was just a false sense of maturity
by Coonpuff February 15, 2018
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