going somewhere extravagant, not knowing where exactly yet but having a sort of "adventure" in mind.
Des: "I wanna go somewhere dope"
David: "We will tomorrow, well adventurize and figure it out as we go."
by summu December 28, 2018
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To crawl into a fetal position and sob endlessly while eating whatever in reach.
Times like this I hate to go home, I just wanna sneak around and adventurize
by brawesome October 28, 2013
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Any dirt that gets on your body or clothes while you are exploring the world
I was climbing that wall over there and got adventure dust all over my hands and clothes.
by SinisterBisckit December 30, 2017
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Exploring Seattle at with your buddies. Founder Mickey.
Chynna, Jess, Chris and Bryce enjoy Adventure Time Tuesday.
by Mickeyve April 10, 2018
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1. The journey of a boy who's video game counsle comes to life and teaches him the error in video games such as "RockBand" and "Guitar Hero" eventually teaching him to play his music in the real world!

2. A rock band from the Chicagoland area. Formed by Michael Iseah-Grei Crawford formerly of the Vintage. Player One consists of Bruno Carvallo, Scott Tulo and Michael Crawford.
1.See Also Player One

2. The Adventures of Player One rock my socks!

3. The Adventures of Player One played a really great set last night!
by Bill McKrivetz February 17, 2009
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When your significant other goes on an adventure/vacation with someone else besides you.
My boyfriend is adventure cheating on me, because he is taking his friend on a trip without me.
by Left out girlfriend June 27, 2018
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