someone who is here to help transmute the darkness into light through twerking
She's light-twerking in a Beyonce song !
by light-twerker November 4, 2022
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The whole month of October anyone can ask anyone for a twerking video and that have to send it without any exceptions.
Hey can u twerk for me it’s free twerk video month
by Heyylmaolol October 5, 2021
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A phrase in YouTube comments. There is also other variants like sad twerking, confused twerking, etc. These can be found commonly under YouTube comments
*Touch my Little Mix*

Comment1: Confused twerking

Comment2: Stop twerking everyone

Comment3: Happy twerking
by Sebby294 June 8, 2021
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The act of twerking but just not doing it the way it should be done. Although it can look sexy as hell in return it can be mistaken for humping a goldfish. This act is also known as the Nathan Fisher..
I seen this homeless guy by the exit ramp doing the Alabama twerking for cigarettes.
by Twerkinggoldfish October 28, 2023
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Drunk twerking. Usually done by stupid whores on sites like Facebook live and Periscope
Xavier: Dude I just caught a video of Emily drunk twerking!
Alex: Damn bro let me see that.
by Ryan_the_retard October 11, 2022
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A person who twerks with you as a hobby, this word could also be used in a meat riding term for example if someone is really popular some people might become his/her twerk buddy
Hey twerk buddy lets go twerk at the beach!
Justin is mahans twerk buddy
by Chose fil July 20, 2023
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