One way you know someone claiming to be a shark is not a shark is sharks don't run other animals off. Another way you know someone who claims to be a shark is not a shark is sharks don't need tanks and scuba apparatus to swim deep underwater, their bodies are made for their environment, which is not a natural environment for humans.
The false shark said he/she was a shark, despite a lack of similarity to the underwater animals.
by Solid Mantis December 11, 2019
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A person or organisation that has the power to fix a problem but gives handouts instead for PR, political gain or to damage an opponent.
Person 1: The government are such false samaritans.
Person 2: How do you mean?
Person 1: They constantly give out tax credits but they refuse to fix the standard of living cost.
by Owensbus August 31, 2022
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Someone who talks about using drugs, but has never actually used any.
Example: People who say 'I'm a crackhead', but show no symptoms of being on crack are false junkies.
Tom: You haven't used any before you false junkie.
by MISTER S.P.E.C.I.A.L. April 20, 2020
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When someone says some wacky shit that ain’t true, and you have to let them know it not right.
Person 1) my dicks 12” long

Person 2) that’s false doctrine
by Ryker Nelson February 16, 2019
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The increase in earnings per share that comes against a firm acquires another firm with a P/E ratio lower than its original price-earnings ratio.
And this phenomenon is solely because of the merge. The stock price does not matter.
When a corporation merges a comparatively small company with a lower P/E ratio,there wil be a false growth in the corporation's earnings per share.
by BarryPotter October 6, 2006
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(noun) when you blame autocorrect for messing up your message but it was actually your fault since your finger's so fat and you type at fourteen letters per milisecond, A person who tends to false autocorrect a lot is called a false autocorrector
Person A - it's so quiet hsre
Person A - *here

stupid autocorrect
Person B - wtf stop false autocorrecting you false autocorrector if you typed your sentences properly you wouldnt have made that mistake
by KermitTheRomanFrog September 8, 2020
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When you think you've finished peeing and you go to shake and then an extra burst of pee comes out.
"What took you so long"

"Sorry man I had to clean the floor I had 'The False Shake'"
by Rightwingliberal November 21, 2021
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