The act of subduing all faith into a single women and showing dominance over all through single act of vocal vibration.
:Okay..... I know this sounds crazy, but I've mastered the bark technique and now I pull.... FR NO CAP Keep it a hundred stay loyal chief.
by FrogJosh September 18, 2021
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"Yo fam pass the barks"

"Hold up, I can't find my barks"
by Trzn October 26, 2018
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To give word, to betray.
"They knew we were coming. Some berk barked."
by Zed Numar July 9, 2021
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A bear and a shark mixed together.
Did you she that bark it's hecka fine
by Renity May 17, 2020
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A Bark Dum is a self-centered, edgy teenager, likely a know-it-all. Often maintains a snarky or bitter attitude.
Bark Dum

you have like
a roll20 thing
and i can't be arsed to not message you directly

I do have a roll20 thing, yes

Bark Dum
oh you just burst online
i didn't expect a reply until hours later


Im sneaky like that ;)

Bark Dum
okay so
i might be willing to either be a player or a dm
depending on a few questions

Ok, go ahead

Bark Dum
how strict are your rules on encumberance, character needs, etc?
for example a man cannot live two weeks without food, but i am able to suspend my disbelief because that's how games work
i could've worded that better
hopefully you get what i tried to say

Yeah sure, I can too. Personally i dont really care about encumbrance unless its obvious things like putting an elephant in your pocket

Bark Dum
do you make characters need food?
or is it like
a little flavor thing
to boost muh imershunz


Food is like, whatever, flavor in my opinion
Im not the dm though

Bark Dum
i thought you were?
or are you going to be one of the players
and you're hoping volunteer dms will come

Nope, I arranged a roll20 page to get a group to play with and a dm... we HAVE a dm, but its not me.

Bark Dum
I assume they share similar opinions on those topics
by McDiamond August 23, 2017
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Tree bark Loves weird movies music and no one in the world enjoys a good book tho.. if you’re feeling antisocial and full of sarcasm you might be an Emily or Tree bark…

“I hate Timmy” says only tree barks and Emily’s
by August 5, 2023
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