
A person (generally a teen) who pretends to be edgy skips class or drops out and does drugs. Probably vapes.
"Jeez man dont be such a skid"
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He’s such a skid! He always gets F’s!”
by spxcebound September 20, 2018
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A person who is retarded and mentally unsmart
Hey bro your a skid, u got me raided in so mad at u ur so retarted.
by ItzGoogleGhost April 16, 2016
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An alternative term for goodbye to use on an unwanted person such as "HIT THE ROAD." But you want them to leave in such a hurry, they leave skid marks.
Unwanted Person: Can I have a moment to talk to you about your car warranty?
You: SKIDS! :: hangs up phone ::
by Aquabuzzard March 27, 2023
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A Program or Script that is majorly comprised of stolen code.
Person 1: did you try that new client
Person 2: nah it's a trash faulty skid
by nyxduck December 9, 2021
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