You have to expect the bad or unpleasant thing in the situation as well as the good thing.
Hey, Valeri, I got promoted
You have to take the rough with the smooth Sam, you can't have everything. Don't forget, you will work more
by kahramanj July 31, 2019
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an rough bumpkin is when you get a shit filled condom similar to a rusty trombone and then cover it in grund beef cook it attach to a string and when having sex shove it down her throat and make her swallow it and shit in her eye and give her a mexican hot pocket
Oh man i gave my girl a Rough Bumpkin
by Company 517 April 22, 2011
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When a girl is giving you head and you squeeze her head with yuor thighs
by Hollaatme November 20, 2012
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When he gives you a Dutch rudder bites your ear right as you are about to go.
At the moment I was about to finish Lucas leaned in close, whispered rough Dutch and nibbled on my ear.
by Cheetow March 17, 2022
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When a sexual partner chooses to leave the male with a case of the blue balls. The male who experiences the blue balls will sneak up to zthe partner and rub his hurt testicles on the partners neck until chaffing occurs. Then the blue balls receiver will physically squeeze his testicles till they explode on the neck of the partner Coating the partner with semen and chaff giving it the blueberrry (blue balls) rough neck.
Hey honey better finish up, or I will give you a case of the blueberry rough neck
by Lickamybumskieeee February 10, 2015
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Sweet Roughness is both a person and an attitude in life. Everyone wants that Sweet Roughness. You’ll know when you’ve found yours from the scratches on your back and the love it gave you. Once you get just a small taste you are hooked. Addicted like the most amazing drug. Sweet Roughness is volatile and may explode at any time but the feeling given is well worth the risk! At first you’ll simply find Sweet Roughness interesting and want to know more. By then it is to late. You’re in love with it, need it, crave it and can’t stop thinking about that Sweet Roughness.
I tasted Sweet Roughness’ kiss and I just can’t get it off my mind.
by 2lefts October 6, 2017
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