1) (noun) A hairy rodent.

2) (verb) To shake one's self vigorously.
1) (noun) Z2S likes to eat wombles.

2) (verb) Mewtwo150 wombles.
by Anonymous August 27, 2003
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A generally descriptive word use to describe folk of British, English or Anglo persuasion.
Friend: Hey, who is that eating shit off that table?
Jamie: looks like a fucking womble...
by Master of Cunts May 12, 2008
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Dude, that guy put his womble into the shnooter and it came right off!
by Mister Happy January 20, 2008
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An insult generally used by out of date chemistry teachers. A womble is more than likely to be intimidated into breaking things by being called this.
You womble!
You stupid womble!
You wombling stupid womble! Look what you wombly did!
by Matress_of_evil January 23, 2005
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A short fat infected with hepp little boy.
Guy:hey womble coming passed!

Girl:oh fuck did you bring enough sanitizer?
by Advise 36 April 16, 2020
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World Owes Me Bloody Living Expenses.
Driving down the road you see some idiot (sorry WOMBLE) doing something stupid. You Say; - "There goes another bloody WOMBLE!" (Very politely of course...)
by Great Uncle Bulgaria March 29, 2019
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Instead of going for a walk and a wonder you can go for a womble. Word used alot in Grimsby.
Hey you guys! Lets go for a Womble on yonder.
by harry godfrey warner October 20, 2008
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