A large imperialist superpower that is populated with 50% pricks and 50% OK people. The United States is ruled by a corrupt government made up of dumb hicks who can't spell and couldn't care a flying fuck about the people of the United States, but still have the most power probably in the world. The United States can be a bad place to live because the legacy of segregation lives on. There are areas where whites cannot go and areas that blacks cannot go. Race means alot in this huge, strange land, so much so that extremist anti-integration parties like the KKK (white racist), Nation of Islam (black racist) and many others have alot of power that they shouldn't have. They also have a shit army which somehow has recently managed to kill more civilians and allies than enemy soldiers, but is still referd to as the best army.
by Kilo Lobo July 1, 2003
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We got freedom, we got guns, and, despite what the inevitable negative like/dislike ratio on this definition may tell you, we still have our own culture.
God bless America.
by NotPieGuy September 11, 2021
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The name "United States" is used when speaking positively about the country. "America" is used when speaking negatively about the country. Just my observations.

For negative definitions on this country, see America.
Compare these two sentences:

"The United States is a country that tries to do good in this world."

"America is the most messed up and oil-hungry nation on the planet."
by no7orious February 10, 2006
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A country of freedom...and stuff...and...Okay *laughs*

Let me put it strait for you. Were not the worst country in the world...sort of...

Sure we have a pretty curropt gorvernment but lets be honest, who the hell doesn't?

Yeah we think europe is a country...stupidly often...

Wait is it a country? *looks in "Our Dumb World" Atlas* Okay it is confirmed to me it is NOT a country.

Sure we have a more extremist religion ideology than Rome ever will but hey it's...just an idea right? What's the harm of... an... ide-

ANYWAY! HEY! We were founded on freedom! Even though...pretty much all of the countries in Europe have it too. Including Japan...Canada...and a few.. others. But! We were first! I think. Even though blacks were slaves and women were... Nevermind.

Okay fine were pretty bad... and stupid... and hypocritical... and taking credit where it isn't due...

But lets be honest were better than places like Africa and the middle east.

Even though it's stupid to compare them becuase they're both massively different...

You know what? Fuck you, I'm out of here!

Here's you god damn example!


Good now your ears are bleeding.

Oh and the word United States becuase Urban Dictionary said so!

by Random Shenanigans June 27, 2011
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1: Largest economy in the world.
2: Has a retarded President.
3: Home to some of the wealthiest people in the world.
4: New York City actually sucks ass.
5: Has 270 million people.
6: REAL diverse.
7: Has every climate type in the world besides some other cold polar shit that no one cares about.
8: About 50% of the people in the U.S. are overweight or obese.
9: I'm not.
10: The other 50% are hot dirty bastards.
11: Capital is Washington D.C.
12: California is in the US!
13: So are some other 49 states..
14: Uses Democracy
15: South Park, Colorado
16: And a whole lot of other shit.

I live in America and I'm not a redneck, fat, racist, uneducated, and certainly not a Republican.

I also smoke marijuana.
by foam December 24, 2004
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Best place in the world. Largest Army, best economy, 3rd most land mass, most diverse. We have Mountans, rivers, streams, city, towns, beaches, mexican people, canadien people, german people, Irish people, australien people, british people, etc. We've invented electricity, light bulbs, airplanes, automobiles, south park, the simpsons, family guy, the list goes on

And for the record, we may have had slaves, but Britian had zoos with africans in it.
by Spikesy July 9, 2006
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