It is a drug craze which consists of youngsters spreading toothpaste over their nipples to achieve a high. It happens due to an opiate like chemical present in toothpaste plus the amount of blood that circulates close to the nipples, allowing it to be absorved easily. This causes several health problems if done regularly if done frequently for long periods of time, such as addiction.
John and his friends were caught toothpasting by their parents, and sent to rehabilitation.
by John Pingas May 6, 2012
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Rubbing toothpaste (usually crest) on your nipples to get a pleasant buzz.
You can use tape (preferably duct-tape) to keep the paste on during the day, and hide it during school
Also known as pasting, on the col, gating, etc.
Jimmy: Hey, have you ever tried toothpasting?
Andy: Yea, Matt introduced me to it a few months ago.
Jimmy: Hah, I saw the idea on 9gag and reddit a few weeks ago.
by jim n. iger May 7, 2012
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the act of putting toothpaste on your nipples to attain a high.
Dude I cant pay attention, im high from toothpasting that im losing my mind.
by ObamasLoveChild May 7, 2012
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The act of applying toothpaste to one's nipples, in order to create a high through the release of opium-like chemicals.
Guy 1: Dude, toothpasting. TRY IT.
Guy 2: No way man, that stuff messes you up.
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a practice where one smears toothpaste on his or her nipples to achieve a high
I've been toothpasting all day today. No kidding, i'm still feeling high.
by toothpastingeveryday May 7, 2012
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When a certain somebody is apart of the ‘Toothpaste Gang’.
“Aye holmes, are you toothpaste amigo?”
by TootpasteG April 7, 2019
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