<noun> a person who does not like to engage in physical activity. They prefer to just sit & veg instead of moving around when you invite them to join you for activities.
<noun> When one is active & athletic, dating a TOFU can pose problems: You want to spend time together enjoying the great outdoors while he wants to sit on the couch and play DVD movies all night long!
by fitchickxina September 4, 2005
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stands for:

Food for

A white block made from soy beans. A substitute for meat. Tastes like a mix between cardboard and styrofoam.
It's easier and cheaper to eat meat than it is to eat and buy tofu!
Eating meat unethical? Give me a break, what about the poor cute little soybeans killed to make the Tofu?!
by Brick Wall December 26, 2005
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Mandarin transliteration: doufu

The East Asian version of cheese. Except it has less fat.
I like cheese, but don't eat it for dinner often.
I like tofu, but don't eat in sandwiches at all.
by StatenIslander November 20, 2007
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fake chicken aka padding to a bra
what are you today? uber tofo!
by just call me blond January 18, 2005
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WAT? it tastes good in the cubes wit the miso soup tho....
Its bean curd.
"i am strange so i lik the tofu cubes in the miso soup"
by J.Lew July 3, 2003
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Ghetto slang acronym for the following phrases:

1. To Fuck Up
2. Totally Fuck Up
3. Too Fucked Up(or Totally Fucked Up)
4. Too Old For You
1. Yo biatch, gimme back d'ose G to da Bizzears 'fore I'm going TOFU yo trick ass self!

2. Ayyo, tonite I'm gonna TOFU dat niggapotamus fo' tryin ta sleep wit ma girl!

3. *crying* My momma's bernie, yo. Breast cancer. This is just TOFU!


High School Kid 1: Yo mah dogg, our new english teacher be so dayum hot, I wanna be a man and make da bitch moooaaaan!

High School Kid 2: Nawww G, she being about 30 and you 18 years old, dat woman be TOFU!
by Mark H September 8, 2004
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Black Girl: what are you eating?
White Girl:Tofu! it's good try some!

(Black Girl tires Tofu)
Black Girl: ewww! That Shit is nasty!
White Girl:Whatever. It's good
Black Girl:Come to my house after school, I'll give you some cornbread, Real food!
by mamag July 29, 2009
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