1. An adjective used to describe extreme excitement, amazement and/or joy at someone or something.

2. A term used interchangeably with the word "Epic."

3. A means of measurement used to derive "Epicness" or "Failure" based on the amount of "Toastage" that the toast has gone through.
1. "Holy Toast!"

2. "Did you see that!? That was totally Toast!"

3. "My toast is perfect! Epic toast is Epic!"
by Ponthegan February 4, 2010
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a Canadian game played by hockey players usually in the locker room, in which all the players sit around in a circle and jack off onto a piece of toast. The first one to blow his load is burdened with the duty of using the jizz like a spread and eating the piece of toast.
Crosby: Hey guys, no better way to celebrate winning gold than a game of toast. How about my place? Luongo try to keep it in this time.
by Ashlanee April 13, 2010
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Burned out,been up too long,ozoned,fried,out of it,worn to a frazzle,extreemely tired.
by wright May 21, 2005
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(Noun) A copied picture that has been reposted on a group devoted towards pictures.
Dave White posted too many toasts, therefore he has been b&.
by D3mosth3n3s May 4, 2008
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Tits On A STick. Referring to a thin woman with large breasts (real or fake).
Yo, TOAST looking at you.


Is she hot? Yeah man, TOAST.

by PlasticRR December 9, 2008
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Toast is the ridiculous word used to describe a ridiculous situation or statement. When someone says something to you that you don't have an answer for, toast is the appropriate response.

Toast can either be the answer to a question or a nonsensical response to a weird statement. It basically means, "I don't understand what you just said or why you said it, but whatever floats your boat."
Person 1: "I like to pick lint out of my belly button."
Person 2: "Toast?"

Person 1: "I'm so pretty. Don't you think so?"
Person 2: "Toast."
by LoloManolo November 24, 2012
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a person that commonly partakes in substances that alter ones sense of reality, mainly marijuana and ecstasy. a Toast, also is usually the first to suggest attending a party, or suggest that one should be started. a person known as Toast, is most often of an outgoing personality and is quick to facilitate the delinquency of others. a Toast, is typically very creative and deep, whilst being approachable and friendly. People known as Toast may have a bad reputation as a lame stoner, but a Toast is much more than your common stoner. a Toast often possesses intelligence that one might find hard to believe, the limits to this intelligence are not known at this time. a Toast is a person to cherish and love. If you know a Toast, stay close and in touch with that person.
1. Have you seen Toast today, i don't know if he survived the party last night.

2. Hello I'm Toast, the stoner who can help you.
by Regis February 21, 2008
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