Originally a highly respected female star of opera, this word has transcended into any bitch with an attitude and a nice rack, and/or any woman who thinks she is "all that", and/or any woman that any man has jerked off to.
Trish Stratus has absolutely no vocal talent but is a WWE Diva because she has big tits?
by Sandy June 29, 2004
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A man who buys 300 dollar gucci shoes, expensive speakers, has a flamboyant hairstyle, and has a louis vuitton iphone cover.

Also, it is not uncommon for a diva to get extremely angry when his friends make fun of him for his "diva style."
Look at that guy with his crazy 'do and gucci shoes. What a diva!
by salthepal December 14, 2009
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Generally no longer correlated with the original definition of the successful/adored/talented/beautiful/stylish female icon.

Nowadays it has come to define the materialistic and demanding cuntbag. Most often, this modern low-to-middle-class household 'diva' is not relevant on so much as a local level; let alone the celebrity she tends to perceive herself as (even though she has more myspace friends and photo comments than all of *~da haterz~*.

The self-proclaimed suburb breed of diva is also convinced that she is the blueprint of the ideal woman, while she may appear completely beat to the average onlooker. She also has no education or career credentials to back up her overabundance of confidence. It doesn't matter; you are but another hater sippin' on that bottle of haterade.

Although there is very little significant activity in the lives of this observed diva species, recreation includes:
-updating photos on and checking comments for MySpace page
-raiding the kiosks at the mall which sell knock-off designer handbags
-going to clubs, where aging desperates fund their tabs while they dance to the hottest mainstream rap songs and sweat their spray-on tan off
-verbally bashing less 'fabulous' individuals and loathing females more attractive than themselves.
-daddy issues
-participating in petty social drama
-not getting enough dick, thus feeling the need to convince the rest of the humanity of their grandiosity.
No, a diva is not "the female version of a hustla", more like the female version of Sean "Puffy" Combs...except broke.
by thesarsvolta February 11, 2009
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A female wwe superstar that is skinny and doesn't care about a word just because they don't like it !

The term was abolished from WWE's vocabulary after Mercedes Benz, i mean, Kaestner-Varnado , better known to audiences as Sasha Banks, was brought up to the main roster from WWE's developmental territory, NXT. While the term was still around Sasha was a star, and after the term was removed from WWE Television and alumni sections on websites she has been a flop so she shot herself in the foot with that one xoxo
"Oh, Maryse? She's a skinny diva."
by shadow30222 September 14, 2018
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A, nowadays, overused and cheapened term used mainly to describe a 'bitch' in a less slanderous manner or sugar-coated manner.

Also used mindlessly as a self-descriptive term by idiot-women who think they possess the admirable 'bitch' quality found in ridiculously-overwrought whore-characters found in stale television programming such as 'Sex & the City' or 'Desperate Housewives.'
"Oh my gawd. I am such a diva! LoL" (read: Bitch)
by Antonotron7 November 13, 2006
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1.-A (Little-girl) or woman with an exaggerated sense of self-importance. requiring a great deal of attention and excessive effort to maintain beauty, style and image.

2.-bitchy woman that must have her way exactly, or no way at all. often rude and belittles people, believes that everyone is beneath her and thinks that she is so much more loved than what she really is. selfish, spoiled, and overly dramatic.

3.- Pete/Marlowe/Firecroch/Earache/ Synym-/weak -lame Uncool-Unsophiscated notalent unartistic ass-clown
by Pres:Rosevelt April 27, 2011
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