The actual level of ones stupidity determines how many O's are added to the root word STUPID.
Johnny's answer was more than dumb, it was down right stupid, but the answer Jimmy gave was way worse,. Now we call Johnny Stoopid and Jimmy stoooooooopid
by Katelynne's dad April 29, 2021
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(noun) when you are in the middle of speaking and you flip words in a sentence or the first letters of two words, making it sound like you can't speak English
"What are you thinking of ordering for breakfast?"
"Hmmm, I'm not quite sure but I was thinking the Trench Foast."

"The what?!"
"I.. I meant French Toast."
"Oh man, you have The Stoopids!"

"Are you on your way?"
"Yeah, I'm highway on the driving"
"You're what?!"
"I meant I'm driving on the highway... Dammit, my Stoopids are showing again"
by onion valence November 5, 2017
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if you're reading this you are stoopide.
by ChezburgerGirl February 26, 2018
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Lacking intelect;
Having lower intelect then STUPID;
Acceptional quality;
That n00b is so stoopid; Optima Online is STOOPID fast!
by den March 26, 2003
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when chris tucker first came out he was stoopid
by 187 red rum September 15, 2006
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kinda cute and hella retarded at the same time
Jim: damn bro your fucking stoopid.

Carrey: Ha! Not as stoopid as jackson.
by Jodie8 September 5, 2019
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