Another way of saying you did something for show.
by Solid Mantis January 21, 2018
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Fo' sho' is used in gangs describing when one puts a bullet in another persons head.
I put my chrome to his dome and i fo' sho'd his ass.
by pacman004 October 30, 2010
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means for sure or allright then or great or for real or really-
comes from the word fer sher- but in the American languge every word can get morre
Person 1- Man billy your mom is sure fat.
Billy- fo sho, we need to stop going to KFC and getting the extra large chicken leg combo meal.
by Danielle November 29, 2004
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You want some grilled cheese?

"Fo sho"

*Fo sho kid gets punched

"thats played out. Its Fo shelia now"
by [e.99]Miracle August 15, 2004
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Kevin: Do you want to have sex with me?
Me: No dawg, but good look. Do you wanna bang me?
Kevin: Fo sho nigga!
by D Cizzle February 14, 2005
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Short for *you for sure, mother f*cker?*
As in, are you telling the truth??
Used by chavs etc.

A short way of asking a simple question -
warning, using it probably won't make you look cool, but quite the opposite -
people may just give you a wierd look and walk away.
Guy 1 - So I totalllly got with this well hot girl last night!
Guy 2 - Woah! Yo fo sho mo fo?!
Guy 1 - What?!
Guy 2 - Are you fo sho - mo fo?! You're kidding?
Guy - Okay, so i'm going now...
by lush.x June 22, 2009
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