term used for cigars,blunts,which are used to roll weed in.
boy #1 hey you guys need anything from the store?
boy #2 yeah bring some shells so i can roll up this weed.
by dirty sanchez310 March 28, 2007
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To get outrageously drunk and wake up feeling like you were under artillery attack
"Oh man, I got shelled last night dude."
"Yeah? How do you feel?"
"You don't wanna know"
by BradenWC March 20, 2006
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The concluding exclamation in a conversation or argument whereby one person's fact, argument point or humiliating revelation will be proven untrue or ridiculous, rendering them in a state of embarrassment.

It can be also used as closure in an exchange of purposely misleading information solely to provoke gullibility.

The derivation comes from the phrase, having 'egg on your face' meaning to suffer embarrassment. Shell, would indicate ultimate embarrassment; having the egg AND the shell on your face, eventually being shortened to just Shell.

Also, Get your Shells, Get Your Shellings, Shellings and Shell on you.

The past tense would be Shelled or Shelled out.

This phrase is commonly used in South Manchester, UK
A - I had five pints last night.
B - No you didn't.
A - Yes I did.
B - John, how many pints did A have last night
John - Two
B (to A) - Hahaha! Shell.

A - Have you seen the moon tonight?
B - Yes, Professor, It's a Waxing Crescent
A - Hahaha! No it's not you fucking idiot. It's a Waning Gibbous. Shell!

A - There's your mum.
B - Where?
A - Over there, sucking your brother off. Shell
by jimhotep April 10, 2013
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Meaning the ammunition for a gun, another name for bullets.
Yo dawg, watch dem manz, dey da type to be poppin' shells at ya n shit.
by Mike AJ M August 16, 2005
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a slang word for bullets

also a hardcore rapper fromt he streets of toronto
(used to be lil shells untill 2005)
yo did u see that guy get torn up wit shells.
yo dawg u gotta here shells new single.
by youngrider_1 December 8, 2006
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Most boring chick ever.
A Shell is often a fan of Jersey Shore, Johnny Depp, R&B, and/or Punk rock. A Shell is also an attention whore and will do whatever she can in order to get attention.
These tactics include the following:
Random lame trollings.
Fake chat lesbianism.
References to her boobs/vagina.
Calling a Shell stupid is an act of futility, in her feeble mind "being stupid is cool", and she will almost always be surrounded by boring guy friends who will kiss her ass profusely in order to "tap dat ass", which never happens because Shells only like the idea of sex because it gets them attention, they'll never follow through with it.

All Shells should be booted in the cunt with a rake.
Tammy: I'm naked on cam...blah blah that show Friends blah blah umm blah Snookie blah blah bliggity Soulja Boi!

John: Sigh...What a Shell.
by uranus_urectum_urear April 13, 2011
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when theres absolutely nothing to say in a conversation..

when someone asks you a question and you dont have an answer for it or dont want to say dunno just say 'shells'
1). Lucy:"Wuu2?"

Jamie: "Nm u?"

Lucy: "Ohh ok"

Jamie: "SHELLS;)"

2) "Do you think shes pretty?"


3) SHELLSQUAD : When tweeting on Twitter or posting on Instagram put ;#shellsquad and make it trend, so if it trends, youll be remembered:D
by jjmxks July 23, 2014
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