A school district located in Slatington, PA. It is known for it's odd substitute teachers, and spending way too much money in its athletic programs. The music department is almost completely ignored, and is diminishing. The students know that they are in a horrible district, and they cannot escape it.
Northern Lehigh School District is a black hole absorbing the hopes and dreams of students.
by Sasuke Hater January 27, 2008
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a hardly decent school in a little town north of allentown, its called New tripoli. most of the girls and some guys in NW can't live without drama so they flip out over the lamest shit. most of the people in NW are rednecks and/or farmers. NW doesnt even have a pool. and some of our parents parents went to our school in the same building. our school is almost next to a cornfield. our nickname:corn cob high
damnnn those rednecks at northwestern lehigh
by cristin February 8, 2005
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goofy ahh roblox group, corrupted owner who mistreats staff, owner bullys people and when someone says something back he bans them
did you hear about Cherokee Independent School District, Yeah! that group is bad
by dee_snuts_lolbro January 31, 2023
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-stay clear of staircases... 10 foot high linoleum splat death... tie shoes

*reminder: you CAN walk over the people on the ground mid-fight...probably got one swing and pussied out anyway..*

welcome to the home of the patriots!

derived from a name that refers those in the 17th century who rejected loyalist agenda and rebelled against British control, there is no fucking way you would've learned and retained that information with Great Valley's curriculum.. you'll learn more meeting GOD off of the drugs provided in any big stall constructed for the sole purpose of passing penjamins and trapping elf bars. but before you're corrupted by hand-me-down fentanyl laced adderall, you move up the ranks of GV, where each year your innocence is slowly stolen and your intelligence is blatantly exploited by administrative trash... if you think that's harsh just wait til you hear about the way the people up top handle things.. little issues, you know, like racism or assault... you'd think a blue ribbon school, voted one of the top 5 in chester county, would take those matters more seriously...but.. BLUE WHITE AND PRIVILEGE THESE COLORS DON'T RUN BABYYY. AND "my kid is an honor student at great valley high school" has such a nice ring to it.
"i was apart of Great Valley School District and now I'm a teenage mother with aspirations of being the Top Female Trap Queen on the Main Line"
"Great Valley School District robbed me of my childhood and literally lit my house on fire..?!"
"i loved being apart of Great Valley School District! (**i peaked in high-school**)."
"i was apart of Great Valley School District for only 3 years and all i have to show for it is chlamydia and this dumb t-shirt."
by boombastia September 7, 2023
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A school district in Armonk. Not all the kids are rich and preppy. Services Bedford and Pleasantville. Not all the kids care a lot about fashion. Adults pretend thats there is cyberbullying when there really isn't. Not that great a district has everyone says.
Byram Hills School District is in Armonk
by couldn't think of a name 7 November 28, 2010
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A school district filled with stuck up, spoiled brats.

Central Bucks has won various awards, none of which are very important. People pack into the area (hence why there are 3 high schools, 5 middle schools, and 15 elementary schools) just to say "oh, my child goes to central bucks" like anyone aculty cares.

Newer housing developments are abundant in this area, great big houses on a quarter acre lots. You can sit on your deck and feel claustrophobic because all you can see is walls of siding. Lawn mowing takes 15 min tops, not that anyone aculty gets their pampered ass on a mover, they just hire mexicans to do it for them. 85% of people from central bucks live in this type of neighborhood.

Central Bucks has alliances with the other nearby richie schools: North Penn, Council Rock, and Cetennial. Kids from these schools are snobby, but not as bad as CB kids. Their enemies are the districts from upper bucks: Pennridge, Souderton, Quakertown, and Palisades. Kids here are more normal. Although, CB kids think their trashy because according to them "one story houses and driving cars from late 90s / early 2000s" is so ghetto.

CB kids don't know what normal is. To them normal is: Living in a huge house, driving a new car paid for by mommy and daddy, not working, having college completly paid for by mommy and daddy, and relying on mommy and daddy until the day they die. These people are just palin bad people that only care about them selves.
Here are some quites taken from Central Bucks School District students:

"Whats charity?"

"Did you here Maddie is getting some sort of 4 year old convertable for her 16th birthday?! She can't pull up to school in that piece of trash. It's not even a BMW, Mercedes, or Audi. She'll give our school a bad name!"

"Wow, that phone dosn't even have web connection, faggot."

"Nicole had her hair in a bun today, retard. Dosn't she know it has to be straightend every day or you go to pennridge?"

"My car costs 45 grand, so i'm automatically better than you!"

Don't ever move here if you can help it.
by pennridgerulez July 8, 2011
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Acronym For lawless and unethical school district. The second largest school district in the nation is notorious for protecting pedophiles and white chalk crime sprees. In LA people go to great expense and trouble to send their children to other districts or private schools.
LAUSD recently made headlines again with yet another concealed pervert scurrying into the public eye and a billion dollar boondoggle involving known for its toxic school sites and terrible free lunch fare, LAUSD has made headlines with the Belmont Black Hole, a recent ex scandal involving sperm flavored cockroaches and bondage.infamous for mistreating teachers and students, LAUSD has distinquished itself in waste, criminal indifference and as a Fortune 500 company
Many LA teachers believe sending your child to an LAUSD (Lawless AND Unethical School District) campus is child abuse.
by Chance La Rue October 4, 2013