noun; What a sand nigger turns into when the Middle East is hit with nuclear weapons, thus the heat from the resulting explosion causes the sand niggers to turn to glass.
Quote from a future history book: "After Arnold became president in 2016, he hurled nukes to the Middle East and all the sand niggers were turned into glass niggers from the intense heat of the nuclear warheads exploding."
by oldm April 8, 2015
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Edited and corrections added to that gun-totin' insular cracker, Michael Clay Smith Jrs post.

"A sand dwelling, yarmulke wearing, hooker fucking, holier than thou. terrorists of a racist hate campaign of aerial bombers of innocent women & children and buildings. They all should be killed fucking slowly! We should all do the world a favour and turn their tiny piece of shit country into one radio-active wasteland, no one in the REST of the world will miss it."

Israel is the terrorist, but they refuse to acknowledge this. I discovered the term on a study on a Kibbutz while in the Middle East with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). I left Israel after meeting there the most ugly minds in the world. Once, I felt serious sympathy for the Jews, now I see them as a pest on the planet, that we must find a solution for.
What do you call a Jewish man who rapes underage women in foreign countries? A sand nigger.
by kiwi doctor July 27, 2010
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A black person who rolls around in the fucking sand but screams "ima SHARK IMA SHARK!"
Man 1: Dude wheres steve?
Man 2: Dude, he took some bad x so now hes bein a sand nigger in the dunes.
Man 1: What the fuck? Jesus christ dude!
Man 2: What?
Sand Nigger: *munch munch munch munch*
by De La Mufifn Crotch May 17, 2009
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A person of middle-eastern descent. Not commonly used except by extremely racist people trying to show their disgust for them by comparing them to African Americans.
by Chadwickston June 22, 2005
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A racist word used by poor, uneducated, xenophobic, white people who blame their pathetic existence on "foreigners". These are the descendants of the same people who were outraged every time a new group of immigrants came to America.

Most of them lack understanding of the Middle East, its history, its geography, its culture, its religions, and its societies.
Hey look at that poor, homeless, white, American kid calling that PhD student a sand nigger. Poor homeless kid needs racism to feel better about himself.
by Rich Caker October 16, 2007
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Supposedly a degrading term for Arabs. It does not apply to Turks or Persians (Iranians) since they are not arabs or part of the semitic race. The term Sand Nigger does not make sense, however. Arabs on the asian plate are not black and bear no african features. So it doesn't make sense. Sand Nigger should be applied to arabs who want to act all gangsta
by Paul ftw May 24, 2007
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