Reyna is a fuckin hoe she should just get deported she lowkey has a dick but hides it in her asshole.
someone; hey reyna is that a dick
Reyna; what nooo *runs to the bathroom
kids; haahha shes fixing her dick
by 967896ikicukcuyk October 3, 2018
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A beautiful girl talented at everything. Super smart and a great sex goddess. Anything she does is done to perfection. Beautiful face. One of the most gorgeous human beings to roam the planet
Wow look at that girl she must be a Susana Reyna.
by LARPhero November 11, 2010
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A beautiful singer, songwriter and actress. But don't call her Reyna or she will kill you!!
"Have you heard of Heavenly Reyna?"
"No, is she good?"

"She's amazing!"
by WhoAmI? Help November 11, 2020
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As in a teen girl who is pretty and beautiful :)
hey you look so reyna spence <3
that shirt looks reyna spence on you
by ..hell.girl.. March 30, 2009
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Crazy, weird, annoying, sweet, nice, a twisted sence of humer, ect. ect. She likes to be mean but she also likes to be nice the same time, She would do you any favors for a little price and would occasionally keep a secret... It depends on what type of secret and from who aswell, She is known for her creepy activities from school and work yet is still fun to be around its better to just view her as a distant friend for your own safety and sanity. She could also be a fun person to go on roller coaster with and watch any type of movies too. She has many male characteristics but would love to go to the mall with you to go SHOPPING! But then again its not safe to get to know her to well, Bad things tend to happen to you and her.
Karen reyna is fun and all But she's too weird!
by Mew_Mew July 25, 2014
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Reyna mains are a combination of mega fags and no life skill-less homosexuals who spend 18 hours a day on valorant and the other getting pounded by other men. Fighting a reyna main will give you cancer while having a reyna on your team will surely make you want to shoot yourself. People who play Reyna are genuinely the most disgusting scumbags on the planet, none of her abilities actually help the team in any sort of way, making her a useless member of a protocol, which can be surely infuriating when your team lacks smokes or alarmbot. Outsmarting a Reyna main would likely make them ragequit
Guy 1: Why do I keep losing matches, I'm always top fragging because I'm such a good Reyna main
Guy 2: You absolute fucking retard, first of all, it says you don't have any way of covering flanks, your teammates keep getting ambushed because your selfish ass takes up another duelist space that could have went into flank control, oh yeah, you also would rather go in for a 2 kill then spend your precious time to defuse a spike, oh and that's not it, you went afk for 50% of the game to watch gay porn
by Killercoffee March 21, 2023
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