information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Useful way to make people do what you want


When ur mom takes away poop sock
Billy: My mum is mad at me

Bob: Why?

Billy: She was mad at me just cause I “launched a nuclear missile that can blow up the earth”

Bob: I don’t see why she’s mad at you

Billy: I know right, she even took my xbox away

Bob: Sounds like propaganda to me
by Mark Zuckerburg not lizard March 12, 2019
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False information which is made out to be true by the media, or any other group of bullshit artists, including police officers. Although as a rule, propogandists spread their brand of bullshit intentionally, some people are so ignorant and hard-headed that they honestly beleive their own bullshit.
The show "COPS" is a load of propogandic bullshit that tries to make it seem like police are the good guys (as if they needed a further ego boost) and crimes, especially violent crimes, are only commited by black people, when neither is the whole truth.
by D-Shiznit June 25, 2005
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not just a lie but a total and complete lie inculcated in you via the culture see cult

you are completely brainwashed...

how does that make you feel?
everything is propaganda
everything is a big,fat,lie
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Effective publicity for a position with which the speaker does not agree.
1. The Democratic Senator called the testimony about a Social Security crisis Republican propaganda.

2. The Republican Representative called criticism of the Iraqi elections Democratic propaganda.
by Fidem Scit February 1, 2005
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The use of signs, broadcasts, speeches, and commercials telling you lies which its purpose to belittle a group of people/things and/or to satisfy a group of people/things. Bascially what you see, read, and hear 70-85% in your life.

Also it's a kick ass Sepultura song.
Why don't you get a life and grow up
Why don't you realize that you fucked up
Why criticize what you don't understand
Why change my words, you're so afraid

You think you have the right to
put me down
Propaganda hides your scum
Face to face you don't have a word to say
You got in my way, now you'll have to pay

Don't, don't believe what you
Don't, don't believe what you read

I know my ways, I'm here to stay
I didn't start all this yesterday
I'll prove you wrong all the way
Life teaches me you're always alone

Don't, don't believe what you
Don't, don't believe what read
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Contrary to popular belief, they're used on both spectrums of the political war (read: conservative and liberal).
Propaganda is present in:

Many, many newspapers, including alternates
Websites for both parties

Joe was getting tired of the propaganda about how the US was corrupt, about how the US is the best, about how corporations were evil, about how corporations weren't, et cetera.
by OLOL October 13, 2007
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