Another way to call someone a dirty hoe who likes to "bushwhack" several people.
"Bitch, you need to shut up and plow my lawn with your face before I donkey punch you!"
by LadyMadd December 14, 2010
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This is what you say when you hear someone talking some mad smack about you behind your back. This term can also be used as a back and fourth joke between friends in the hallways when you see them.
Cassco: Hey kyraz why is my name in your mouth??
Kyraz : yours isn’t but your moms is!
Cassco: Shut up Eddie you are irrelevant.
Eddie: ok but why is my name in your mouth?!
*kyraz and Eddie go to the chapel*
by Badboyyeet June 5, 2019
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Don't talk about someone when you have no relation to them or are not friends or acquaintances
"Were not mates anymore, you better keep my name out your mouth"
by Cyfer_rhyz May 3, 2021
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During and arguement:
Jenny says, "I don't need this FUCK YOU!".
Max says, "Fuck Me? about I FUCK MY FIST TO YOUR FACE!!!".
by Orlando Fornaguera March 20, 2007
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to place a penis in a vagina. Mostly referring to over weight people making love. Or another way to ask someone if they want to have sex.
Hey baby can i stick my beef in your burger later?? I want to stick my beef in her burger so badly! My beef was so happy in her tight burger last night.
by the weird dude June 11, 2011
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A man's plea for a woman to let him have sex with her; the act of intercourse.
by snookywookums February 4, 2008
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phrase desribing when someone won't leave you the f**k alone.
"dude, my boss has been upmy ronson all day. she needs to simmer down!"
by sugarleaf March 11, 2003
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