A demon who watches Cocomelon.
James:My brother watches cocomelon
Bob:So a IPad kid?
by UR DONE. February 13, 2022
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An IPad kid is a kid who is on their IPad all day everyday. They lack social skills and are very rude when you ask them a question. Their IPads are cracked and cheeto dust stained too. They usually watch rainbow friends, roblox, cocomelon, and probably elsagate since most likely their parents don't give a shit about them.
L: My sibling is always on their ipad and have speech delay, he's a fucking IPad Kid.
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A Kid or Adult Who Likes to Watch Content on their phone while eating food or snacks.
Why does he always have to watch rick and morty while eating hes such a ipad kid
by Ejgocrxzy March 5, 2022
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A stupid 3-10 year old who only uses there iPad for entertainment.
Some way you can find out if a child is in fact a iPad kid.
1. they will scream


3. coco melon/Ryan's toy review
4. Cheeto fingers

5. Bulky iPad cases

6 dirty screen
Person1:dude look at that iPad kid

Person2: there parents must not care about them
13 year old from far away: ew it smells like shit in here

1: did that kid just shit there pants

2 yes yes they did
13 year old now very close by: whelp it looks like the parents don't care lets just judge and make Shure this in fact a iPad kid
2 who the fuck are you

13yr old: I'm a 13 year old to add more depth to this stupid story

1: wait this is fake
2 well no fucking shit this is fake
13yo: run

and they all fuck died the end.
by itsdinocraft August 1, 2022
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